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Lawn Fertilizer Program in Maryland, DC, & Virginia

Our lawn fertilizer service provides customized blends of high-quality fertilizers to promote healthy growth and vitality.

Greenways Group offers a comprehensive lawn fertilizer program designed to provide your lawn with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. We start with a soil analysis to determine the specific needs of your lawn and customize the fertilizer program accordingly.


Our program includes multiple applications throughout the year to ensure consistent and balanced feeding. We use only high-quality fertilizers that promote healthy growth and strong root development, while also minimizing the risk of runoff and pollution. Our team of experienced professionals will apply the fertilizer with precision and care, ensuring maximum effectiveness and minimal disruption to your lawn. With our lawn fertilizer program, you can enjoy a lush, green lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood.

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Customized fertilizer program based on the specific needs of their lawn

Consistent and balanced feeding throughout the year

High-quality fertilizers that promote healthy growth and strong root development

Reduced risk of runoff and pollution due to the use of eco-friendly fertilizers

Expert application by experienced professionals

Minimal disruption to their lawn during the application process

Lush, green lawn that enhances the appearance of their property

Increased property value and curb appeal

Improved lawn health, which can help prevent weeds, pests, and disease

Peace of mind knowing that their lawn is receiving the best possible care

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